Bilingual School In Honduras
Instituto Bilingüe En Honduras
Colegio / Institute / Valle de Ángeles / Honduras
English   Español

      LIQUIDAMBAR SCHOOL is an educational institution created to provide an excellence alternative, with the certainty that the formation of citizens with moral, progressive and committed is the best contribution that can be provided to the Honduran society.


Respect.- Recognize the value of every human being, their surroundings, personality and belonging.
Responsibility.- Be aware of the duties, willing to perform them and make every effort to be better every day. Accept the consequences of our actions and decisions.
Perseverance.- Inner strength that allows us to remain constant, achieving with success what we undertake.
Honesty.- Harmonize words with actions, always acting based on the truth in a full and transparent way with our equals.
Solidarity.- Capacity to bond and work for the sake of others without expecting something in return.
Ecophilia.- Ability to be in harmony with nature, protecting (caring) the Environment.


Provide our students with bilingual, efficient and all-around education; facilitated by a constantly updated and highly qualified work team, an adequate infrastructure and technology, and the support of parents and the community; achieving a competitive international development.


SCHOOL LIQUIDAMBAR is seen as the best school in the area, forming men and women whose cognitive and affective skills prepare them for success in a constantly changing and multicultural world; committed to society and the environment.

Liquidambar School
"Creciendo Hacia El Éxito"


Liquidambar School teaching personnel’s profile:
  • Is an expert in the area. Flexible but organized.
  • Has as a main goal to develop: perseverance, study habits, self-esteem, and the skills to achieve the students’ full autonomy.
  • Regulates, promotes and evaluates learning progress.
  • Encourages innovation, intellectual curiosity and originality.
  • Teaches what to do, how, when and why.
  • Helps control impulsiveness and promote empathy.
  • Shares learning experiences with students; thoughtful discussion.
  • Attends individual differences.
  • Develops positive attitudes (moral and ethical values) in the students.

Within our team we have special education teachers, graduates in foreign languages, pedagogues, psychologists and teachers with extensive experience in bilingual education.


  • Fully bilingual education, with over 14 years of experience.
  • Highly qualified staff.
  • Now with the innovative EduBox academic management digital platform.
  • Educationally appropriate facilities.
  • Recreational areas.
  • Library, playroom (game room), science lab, and soccer field.
  • Cafeteria.
  • Accident insurance included.
  • The only ones in the area with UNIMED medical care.
  • Psychological counseling, civic, and moral values.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Karate, Painting, Band, Cheerleading, Folk Dance, Cooking, School Garden, Chess, Robotics, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Driving Course. **
** The availability of these activities depends on student interest and enrollment. Some of these activities have an additional cost that goes directly to the instructor, while others are offered free of charge at the institution.

We have students and transportation service from: Valle de Angeles, Cerro Grande, Las Tres Rosas, El Sitio, Santa Lucia, El Chimbo, Sarabanda, San Juancito, Cantarranas, Villas of San Francisco, and surrounding communities.
In addition, if you live in Tegucigalpa we hereby inform you that we have students and transportation from different points of the capital such as Cerro Grande, Kennedy, Los Llanos, 21 de Octubre.

  • English
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